Halloween has always been historically associated with the thinning of the energetic barrier between worlds, believed to be the most opportune time for supernatural activity. However, Christmas and Easter also have pagan roots too.

The multi-billion dollar Hollywood industry has reinforced a morbid fascination and encouraged us to be afraid of spirits. Perhaps why Halloween still grabs the number one spot for all things terrifying and a bit of a shame for a festival that originally began as a day to celebrate the dead and a time for reflection?

In older Halloween times, extra places were set at the dinner table to honor the home with the presence of lost loved ones, a tradition which might speak to all of those searching for the answers to deeper mysteries and just maybe we have somehow lost that connectivity through commercialism and materialism?

Well, Dickens got his inspiration for A Christmas Carol from somewhere so why not invite some ghosts in for Christmas? It would seem that spirits get drawn to return to important anniversaries especially residual type hauntings and there are countless photos of Christmas family gatherings with orbs and other anomalies seemingly reliving happy family moments.

So don’t Scrooge at Christmas. Here’s our Christmas Ghosts to inspire; some interesting accounts of residual manifestations which have been reported over the Christmas period.

Christmas Ghosts

Prestbury, Gloucestershire is one of the U.K’s most haunted villages. A Monk wearing all black has been seen and heard walking to the door of the the 16th century, thatched ‘Reform Cottage’ at Christmas and knocking loudly at the door.

This cottage was originally a Tythe Barn for the Priory and home to Benedictine monks, many of whom are now buried in the front garden. This house has also been investigated by a paranormal team following reports of poltergeist activity.

The Christmas Ghost Of Emily Bronte

The haunting manifestation of Emily Bronte is reported to recurrently appear in the grounds of her famous, bleak Yorkshire abode. Emily was raised by a grim and brooding father and lived a lonely, dreamy life. Her novels shocked Victorian Society and many don’t know that she was actually three months pregnant when she died. Sadly from excess vomiting she finally refused to move from the sofa in the dining room of The Parsonage where she eventually died.

Her sister Anne and their brother Branwell also died within a few months of each other. The ghost of Emily has her head bowed, as if in deep thought and meditation. She suddenly vanishes if anyone comes too close. The apparition may appear several days either side of the 19th December.

Emily Bronte

(Image source https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-17132289)

Nelson's Tree

16th Century Roos Hall in Beccles, Suffolk is regarded as a hotspot for paranormal enthusiasts. Every Christmas Eve there are reports that a spooky carriage deposits it’s horseman. The poor chap unsurprisingly without a head has been seen roaming the grounds within which is also a spine-chilling ‘hanging tree’. A local legend says that on an inside wall of the hall, in a bedroom cupboard, there is the imprint of the Devil's hoof branded into solid brick. Another tale says there is a window at the hall where the pale face of a small girl has been seen peering out, the window also opens itself, even if locked shut.

Nelsons Tree

(Image source https://www.hiddenea.com/suffolkb.htm)

A photo from 1975, when the Berthelot family - Peter, Diane and their young son - visited Worstead Church, in Norfolk, England.

When Diane sat on a pew to pray, her husband took a photograph. When developed, an unusual white shape appeared to be seated on the pew behind Diane.

When the family returned to the area in the following summer, they showed the photograph to the vicar of Worstead, Reverend Pettit. He explained that there was a history of sightings in the church, of a 'white lady' especially on Christmas Eve.

It was thought by some people that the ghost was drawn towards people who were sick and unwell. At the time of the photo, Diane Berthelot had been in poor health and receiving medication.

Personal experiences and sightings relating to the 'white lady' go back to the 1830's. Sadly, the church is no more and is currently a pub.

The White Lady

(Image source https://www.google.co.uk/amp/hauntedauckland.com/site/white-lady-worstead-church/amp/

The fascination surrounding what factors are required to create the specifics for paranormal activity is still deep in mystery and will remain open to much speculation amongst researchers. They might be Ghosts of energetic memories coming back to replay last or tragic headless moments or perhaps a more loving encounter from the spirit of a dearly departed..either way Christmas could well be a good time to investigate paranormal enthusiasts!

How ever you choose to celebrate the holiday season may it be a joyous time for you and your loved ones on both sides of the veil. Don't fear the Christmas Ghosts this year, give them a thought.