Discover the intriguing legacy of Gog and Magog, London's legendary giants who have guarded the city for centuries. From their mythical origins tied t...
Unearthed from the depths of an ancient Aztec temple, the death whistle emits a bone-chilling wail that echoes through time. Was this eerie instrument...
In 1992, the BBC aired GHOSTWATCH, a chilling mockumentary that convinced millions of viewers they were witnessing a real paranormal investigation. As...
Explore the enigmatic tales of 'The White Lady,' a ghostly figure haunting the Welsh and English countryside. From spectral apparitions near ancient w...
Step into the Warburg Institute, London's most peculiar library, where cosmic emblems and arcane texts await. This October, experience a newly renovat...
Explore the eerie remnants of England's Gallows Hills, where the bodies of criminals once hung in chains as a grim warning to others. Uncover chilling...
Discover the mysterious life of Simon Magus, a 1st-century AD Christian/Zoroastrian mage who clashed with Saints Peter & Paul in Nero's Rome. From his...